Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Natural Solutions Foundation March 2008 ealert

Sign Up to Health Freedom eAlerts


[We are resending our email from March 20th since it contains important information nd our email tracking system suggests some "problems" with deliveries... this is information "they" probably don't want you to see...but if you've seen this eblast already, please also, check our blog for an up to date message from General Stubblebine.)

Note: If Action Steps in the right hand sidebar or full text of email are not visible, scroll down to bottom of email and click "View Entire Message" or similar option on your email system.

In This (Long And Very Meaty) Issue:

Thank You, Freedom Fighters Codex Success Waiting for Us!
GM Techno Horrors
Entering the Lists
GM Techno Horrors
FTC Petition Defines New Territory for Health Freedom Activism
Spraying Us All With Deadly Toxins: First California, Then You
Needle Notes - Vaccination and You
Mothers, Babies New Market for Big Pharma
Health Freedom Soft Fascism
Panama Project Update
Featured EON3 Health Freedom Film

Thank You!

Freedom Fighters shoulder the responsibility for the battle. Some do it with community activism, some with volunteer work, some with action steps like the ones in the sidebar (thanks for that!) and some with donations. All are important. I want to thank all of our Freedom Fighters, especially the 468 people who responded to my forthright request for your help and your donations of $14,661 following my last email blast. I asked you to take responsibility for the cost of the very real battle - and the very real gains - that we are making in the complex and vigorous battle for our health freedoms. We still have a very serious shortfall and still URGENTLY need your continuing tax deductible donations, especially recurring ones!) Yes, again. This is a long haul fight. The other side keeps throwing things at us and only our strong and effective response will stem that toxic tide.

You responded by check, by credit card and by PayPal. Thank you. We have a great many interesting and important things going on, some good, some really good, some bad and some really, really bad (read on!) so the health freedom battle rages. We continue to need your assistance and support and we are deeply grateful to have you as our comrades in arms! We still have a shortfall and need your continued generous tax deductible donations.

And, as another way of saying "Thank you", I want to give you a gift for helping us grow the list of health freedom activists after I tell you about the extraordinary developments at Codex.

Thrilling Change in Codex IF We Play Our Cards Right!

I just received the following email signaling the real possibility of success in pushing back US policy to ban labeling of GM foods around the world, just as that information is banned in the US now. The Natural Solutions Foundation has its boots on the ground at Codex meetings and in meetings with decision makers in Health Friendly countries around the world. We constantly advise the developing nations on how to stop acting alone (ineffective against the multinationals and the US) and start acting as a strong bloc.

As you probably remember, we reported that this health freedom bloc had formed in Accra this past February with outstanding initial success. And it will happen again this coming April in Ottawa (and again in Geneva in July) if we play our cards right and continue our strategic and tactical support of the health friendly countries. The Codex Two Step Process is powerful and supports the ability of countries to safeguard the food chain in their countries and keep toxic food out. The Developing World understands this far better than many people in the Developed World and are moving forward because of it. That is very gratifying, as you can imagine.

Here's the email I got yesterday saying clearly that our strategy is bearing fruit and it's time to press forward (you'll instantly understand why the country it is from and the name of the person who sent it are redacted):

"Dear Dr. Rima Laibow,

To me and many who attended the Working Group meeting [on labeling of genetically modified foods] in Ghana [in February, 2008], the move we took [to force back the US labeling strategy and the associated attempt to set up countries banning GM foods for World Trade Organization sanctions] was exceptional and very rare in the history of such meetings. É. We need more concrete scientific evidence and very logical reasoning to further advance the success of the African bloc, joined by it allies on this matter, by greater successes in Ottawa and Geneva. We resolve that all the African delegates who represented their countries in Ghana, should make an effort to represent their countries again in Ottawa, Canada. This way it will be a lot easier for us to forge ahead with that kind of solidarity. É.

We all know and strongly believe that the reasons being advanced [to ban labeling of GM foods] by the US, Canada and their allies is a scientific fallacy, but to provide a formidable road block to the US "chess move" to declare all foods (including GM) safe and thus requiring no labeling, needs a lot of concerted efforts." (Emphasis added - REL)

Click here to read the full text of this extraordinary email from an African Codex Delegate asking the Natural Solutions Foundation for its help in defeating the US bid to rule out all labeling of GM foods in the international food trade (as it is forbidden in the US!).

Techno Horrors

Techno Horror 1. While we are on the topic of genetically modified "Frankenfoods", here is a must read: a GM corn is now in the food supply which causes male sterility. If you have any doubts at all that there are serious forces at work which are intent of reducing the population, please read this. If you can figure out how this is NOT a depopulation move, please write to me at and let me know.

Techno Horror 2. GM plants designed to create their own pesticide (often at levels 10,000 times as concentrated as the same compound produced in unmodified organisms which leads, of course, to tremendous environmental damage, including human toxicity and, in some cases, death) were marketed to make people believe that insects could never develop resistznce to them. Not so. Super bugs are here and Monsanto and their ilk created them for pure profit. What havoc these super pests will bring is yet to unfold. Click here to read more.

Natural Solutions Foundation has been attending Codex meetings and developing meaningful relationships with Codex delegates from health freedom countries and taking our message of clean food and the Codex Two Step to them.

You also know that in Ghana this past February an historic second was achieved: the US corporate agenda was pushed back one full step by the African coalition which we have helped to build. The rest of that game, of course, will play out at the Codex Committee on Food Labeling (CCFL) in Ottawa and at the Codex Alimentarius Commission in Geneva in July. (The first time we know of that the US got pushed back in Codex was when fluoride was not permitted as an additive in baby formula for healthy infants (November 2006, CCNFSDU, Thailand). That health-friendly triumph was directly due to the scientific dossier prepared by the Natural Solutions Foundation and presented to the delegates during the meeting.

We are building toward the start of a major breakthrough within Codex itself. Three years of very hard work is now beginning to pay off! Now, how do we get to the meeting in Ottawa? We are still running at a significant deficit from last month and we clearly have to be at the Codex meetings in Ottawa and Geneva. Our part is being exquisitely prepared and making sure that we have prepped our allies very well.

Here's your part: send us to the meetings: our strategies are beginning to pay off and we ned to protect your health freedom by being there and protecting your food and health freedom against the US biotech policy. Your help is urgently needed! Click here to make a tax deductible donation to keep the pressure on at Codex and make sure you have eyes and ears there.

Entering the Lists

You know that the Natural Solutions Foundation needs to add more people to our "netroots" mailing list so that our grassroots, netroots voice becomes louder and louder and louder. The grassroots need to roar loud enough to protect our rights so when people receive our emails, they take action! So here is our way of saying "Thank you" for helping us to grow the netroots list: is a fantastic resource of healthy and health producing products. Every purchase helps to support the Natural Solutions Foundation and you get a 40% tax deduction on most purchases. So sign up 10 people for our Health Freedom eAlerts and we'll say "Thank You" with a $10 gift certificate for our Health Freedom store, (No unwanted sign-ups, of course - ask these people for permission before you sign them up!)

Sign up 100 people and we'll send you a $100 "Thank you" certificate. And for the person who signs up the most people by March 31, we've got a "thank you" certificate of $200 waiting for you!

Your purchases of organic products from are good for you and good for the health freedom movement since the profits from these sales are another way for us to generate the funds that we need! To get these "thank you" certificates:

Just send us an email to telling us how many people you've signed up (please include their names and email addresses) and we'll send out your Thank You certificate by email. Write "Alerts" as the subject and we'll keep track of how many people you sign up. We'll track how many new names are being added to our database and you'll see a gift certificate in your email box!

Remember, though, despite the fantastic forward movement gained from that trip, we still have a very serious shortfall from our last Codex trip (Africa) and still need your generous and continuing financial support.

FTC Citizens Petition: Breaking New Ground for Health Freedom

We all know that the FDA is not our friend and is, in fact a tragically failed institution (read on for more about its critical failures and our program to change that situation). Most people are also aware that the USDA, home of the National Organic Standards Board (see below for more on that topic, too!), is pretty flawed, too. But few people in the health freedom movement have considered the power of using our Constitution's First Amendment right of Petition to invoke the remarkably powerful Federal Trade Commission (FTC) on the vaccine issue. But that is exactly what the Natural Solutions Foundation has done!

Our highly innovative Citizens Petition asks the FTC to use its powers to prevent false and misleading advertising in order to STOP THE VACCINE INDUSTRY FROM SAYING THAT VACCINES ARE SAFE, EFFECTIVE OR PROVEN METHODS OF PREVENTING DISEASE AND PROMOTING HEALTH. Click here ( to read this ground breaking legal approach to stopping the vaccine madness.

A Citizens Petition is a legal assault on the US Government to force it to take the desired action. If the FTC does hold the hearings we ask for and take the desired actions, well and good. If it does not, that means we have "exhausted our administrative remedies" and the case is ripe (as they say) for Federal Court.

Once we have an FTC Docket Number for this Citizens Petition, it's your turn. "Mouse Warriors" be prepared! Then you can sign it and pour forth a tsunami of grassroots support for changing the terrain on which the battle for vaccination freedom is fought from our bodies to our laws! But that will cost money so when you sign, we will ask you to make a "War Chest" donation (tax deductible, as always, of course) of at least $10.

Our first Citizens Petition on illegal US/Codex "HARMonization" and Dietary Supplements has nearly 200,000 sign-ones! But, to be honest, we made a mistake: since we did not ask for your financial support when you signed it, we do not now have the money to take it to Federal Court. We've learned and we are smarter now. With our new Citizens Petition, however, we will build the war chest as we build the number of people who join the Citizens Petition. Can you sign if you do not donate to the War Chest? Sure. Do we need the War Chest filled? You bet! It's another way to protect and expand health freedom. We think it has great potential to end the vaccine lies since the FTC successfully took on the tobacco industry and other giants in the past in similar situations. Either way, we are building a case for Health Freedom in a novel and powerful way.

Natural Solutions Foundation: More Than Just Talk!

We'll let you know as soon as we're ready to start that tsunami of netroots support and filling that War Chest. Watch for it.

Olympic Level Insanity:

Forced Drugging Through 5 Year Spraying of Level 3 Toxin on Entire San Francisco Bay Area for a Non Existent Pest Every 30 Days for 5 years!

If you have to swallow a drug you don't want to take, that is forced drugging. If it is pumped into your veins, that is forced drugging. If you are forced to breath it, and so is your dog, your spouse, your infant, your grandmother and your neighbor, that's forced drugging, too. And that is precisely what is going on in the San Francisco Bay area. And if you are breathing a sigh of relief because you don't live in the Bay area, don't. We believe California is being targeted for something that will come to an aerial sprayer near you in the near future: If California decides to stop this madness, the EPA has said that it will seize jurisdiction and spray anyway. Obviously, spraying for a pest that does not exist has a purpose far beyond the so-called "pest".

California has decided to spray the entire San Francisco Bay area, every man, woman, child, duck, bee, fish and ornamental shrub for the Light Brown Apple Moth (LBAM), depicted by the government as a threat to the entire agricultural structure of Northern California despite the fact that it may not even be established in the Bay area and has never done any damage to anything and is not an agricultural pest. Their solution? To spray a moth pheromone solution, called Checkmate (c), which allegedly disrupts the mating behavior of the male LBAM. It is bonded to tiny flakes, capsules and other shaped particles of a plastic which allegedly dissolves slowly over 30-70 days, releasing its disorienting chemical. The pheromone is mixed with a toxic brew of "inert ingredients which, although labeled "inert" are biologically active and are, in fact, known carcinogens. The plastic particles are small enough to travel deep into the lungs where they break down with unknown consequences: the material has never been tested on human.

General Stubblebine and I made a special stop in Marin County, CA, on our way to South East Asia (where we are engaged in serious discussions about Codex and protecting Natural Health options here) so we cold attended a community meeting on the serious danger to the population and the ecology of the entire Bay Area posed by the Government of California, backed up by the Federal EPA. They are determined to expand arial spraying of a brew called "Checkmate (c) containing known Level 3 Toxins in both the active and ingredients. CheckMate (c) has never been tested on humans or the environment for safety or effectiveness. The brew contains plastic nanoflakes to which chemicals are bonded. It breaks down over about 70 days in the environment and who-knows-how-long in your lungs before it breaks down to who-knows-what. Checkmate's effect on other life forms (including helpful insects, fish, etc.) may be known to the manufacturer, but we, the public, do not have that information. There is, however, a considerable amount of meaningful information available. Here are some highly informative links to panel discussions and public comments on the topic created through the collaboration of the Ecological Options Network and the Natural Solutions Foundation:

STOP THE SPRAY Pt. 2 Citizen Comments
(General Stubblebine's comments and mine are in the second half of the video)
SENATOR SIMITIAN'S LBAM HEARING - Pt. 1 - Officials and Academics
SENATOR SIMITIAN'S LBAM HEARING - Pt. 3 - Concluding Official and Activist statements

According to two UC scientists, not only can the Light Brown Apple Moth (LBAM) not be 'eradicated' by the forced aerial pesticide spraying of the San Francisco Bay Area planned for this summer by a state agency, but it poses no real threat to agriculture in the first place.

UC Davis Entomologist Dr. James Carey and UC Santa Cruz Arboretum Executive Director Dr. Daniel Harder present the results of their research at the March 13, 2008 informational hearing held in San Rafael by State Senator Joe Simitian, Chair of the Senate Environmental Quality Committee.

Dr. Harder's report on his recent trip to New Zealand, where the LBAM is "...effectively controlled almost exclusively by natural predators in both agricultural settings and wild lands," is available on-line.

The "dreaded LBAM" has not been definitively shown to exist in most areas to be sprayed. If two moths are found in an area it is officially deemed to be infested and the area becomes a candidate for the $75.4 million dollar spraying program. The State of California requires stringent environmental impact statements before spraying pesticides unless there is an emergency. The emergency posed by the LBAM appears to be that there is no emergency: without a problem there would be no reason to spray anything and the LBAM poses no threat of any kind. Therefore, the emergency of not having an emergency has been handled by the people who want the spraying to take place by goving to the Federal Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and asking THEM to declare a state of emergency. That way, even if the Governor of California decides to issue and edict halting the spraying, the EPA can step in, take jurisdiction and spray anyway. Why? What else is in the spray?

While the LBAM has never caused any harm to any plant, animal, fish, shrub, crop, or person, Checkmate (c) has. Although the Health Departments of the various regions already sprayed failed to make provisions to find out what the results of the spraying were, or for collecting reports of its impact (actually discarding the reports that did find their way to them), local organizations quickly set up reporting systems for people in Santa Cruz and Monterey. The results were frightening. Although few doctors were aware of the possible effects of the spray, and even fewer people knew, 638 people became ill or very ill from two areal spraying episodes in Santa Cruz. We do not have figures for the number of people who became ill from a single spraying in Monterey because no collection system was set up there.

What is planned for the Bay area is not two sprayings. It is arial spraying EVERY 30 DAYS for 60-120 months for a pest which is hypothetical at best, can easily be controlled by natural predators if it exists and requires nothing at all to control it.

Is the LBAM the target or are the people of the San Francisco Bay area the target? And is Idaho next? How about New York (where malathione has already been sprayed on people to kill the West Nile Virus mosquito), Montana? Arizona? Or perhaps, all of the US (and beyond?) Sort of like Chemtrails, perhaps?

Spraying will commence in the Bay Area in August, 2008 and continue evdry 30 days or 5 years or longer (up to 10 years) until there are no LBAM left. Since there are virtually none, or none at all, left right now, that seems a pretty weird standard. The deal is that if 2 LBAMs are found in an area, that area is deemed to be infested and the spraying will continue.

You know, there is a silver lining to this ecocidal (genocide?) insanity. The San Francisco area is coming together around this in a way that is hard to imagine unless you have seen it. I have seen it earlier this month at the meeting we attended but I have seen it before: in the 60's and 70's when America said "NO!" to the Viet Nam war. I have seen it before that in the early 60's when America said "YES!" to integration and racial equality under the law. And, most stirringly, I am seeing it now when people all over the world say "NO!" to corporate contamination of their food (Codex), "NO" to compusory vaccination and "YES!" to Health Freedom! If you read the email sent to me by an African Codex delegate, you will know that I saw it at a Codex meeting in Ghana last month when Africa led other health friendly nations in saying "NO!" to the US and its allies about unlabled GM "foods" and seeds.

When people become alerted to a threat and respond to it by taking back their power, the world changes. That's what's happening now with health freedom. What a thrilling time to be alive!

Vaccination: Here's Looking at YOU!

On the vaccination front, the news is pretty interesting, but not at all good, in fact. But I think that the vigor of the Natural Solutions Foundation No-Forced-Vaccination Forum on Yahoo!.com shows that this is another area ripe for mobilizing the public to say "NO!" to forced vaccination and "YES!" to health freedom, the right to make personal health choices as you, not the government, see fit. Please join the NFV Forum and become part of the solution. Click here to sign up today. Since there are so many posts on a daily basis, I strongly recommend that you select the "Daily Digest" option so you'll only get one email with all the posts for that day instead of a dozen emails in your inbox. By the way, if you don't have a free Yahoo! account, you'll find that opening one helps so you don't get a "Server Not Found" message (although not everyone does).

Knock Your Socks Off Articles:

1. Polio Caused by Pesticicdes, Not Virus

2. Vaccines Part of Bioweapons Program

Here are two highly provocative, and very thoughtful, articles on the truth about the lies underlying vaccination. There are some pretty provocative ideas surfacing (or re-surfacing) about the fraudulent nature of virology, vaccine research and statistical wizardry (some call it criminal distortion and intentional lies) involved in supporting the vigorous claims for vaccine effectiveness. Epidemics occur in fully vaccinated populations, not in unvaccinated ones. Polio vaccination predisposes for the development of Polio which is not caused by a virus. It is a form of environmental illness caused by DDT, organophosphates and other types of Pesticides, says Janine Roberts. Click here to read the evidence and decide for yourself.

Peter Mansfield's article ties vaccines like Hepatitis B to intentionally disseminated HIV/AIDS and presents chronology and citations to substantiate this often repeated contention. For example, "In 1977, Dr. Robert Gallo and the top Soviet Scientists meet to discuss the proliferation of the 15,000 gallons of AIDS. They attach AIDS as complement to the Small pox vaccine for Africa, and the "experimental" hepatitis B vaccine for Manhattan. According to authors June Goodfield and Alan Cantwell, it is Batch #751 that was administered in New York to thousands of innocent people." Click here to read and decide for yourself.

Weaponized Avian Flu is "Nutty"? Is That the Best the CIA Can Do?

In a not very convincing refutation of the charges in Indonesian Health Minister Siti Fadilah Supari's new book, that the WHO gave samples of Indonesion Avian Flu virus to the US BioWeapons program labs at Los Alamos NM for weaponization, CIA Director Bill Gates called the allegations "Nutty", Click here to read more.

Here's what happening in the vicious world of vaccine profits and harm:

Some Good News: Vaccine Resistance Movement Gathers Momentum

"As states move to require more vaccines for school-age children, an increasing number of parents are saying no to some of the inoculations. They are seeking exemptions from the state in growing numbers."

Click here to read more.

Something Evil This Way Comes - Direct to Consumer Vaccine Programs

I am proposing the entire vaccine industry, without exception, for the Natural Solutions Foundation "Hall of Shame". I am also proposing that the Administration and Staff of Arizona State University Join them. For Shame! Click here to read about the new "Marketing Partnerships" emerging to vaccinate everyone, even those for whom risk is ridiculously low, except from the vaccine. Note that the strategy includes more adolescent vaccinations to encourage more adult vaccines, needed or not, deadly or not, dangerous or not.

Deniers and Liars

Eve Pringle, an outstanding journalist from "Down Under' has had enough. She says, "Cut the crap!" to the deniers and liars about childhood autism not being linked to mercury. She writes, "In their public statements, officials within the FDA and CDC, are always claiming that researchers and scientists who conduct studies, not funded by drug companies or the government, are making unfounded claims about a link between thimerosal-laced vaccines and autism, and other neurological disorders, which they claim could lead to reduced vaccine coverage, resulting in preventable outbreaks of disease affecting the entire planet." Click here to read more.

Would Your Child's Pediatrician Take Your Baby's Vaccines?

If you think mercury is the only danger in vaccines, think again and then click here to read this article in which Viera Schribner writes, " The best treatment in any infectious diseases is sufficiently high doses of vitamin C.

There is also a substantial difference between acquiring measles by an
unvaccinated healthy child (meaning no vaccines at all, not just MMR) and a vaccinated child: vaccinated children often have difficulty developing
natural immunity and may come down with measles several time. Those
vaccinated, and only those vaccinated, also may develop atypical measles,
which is an especially vicious form of measles due to immunosuppression by vaccination."

Action Steps to Protect You and Your Loved Ones from Vaccination Injury and Forced Vaccination

Click here to let your legislators know that you want exemption rights to vaccines for yourself and your children at your discretion.

Click here to sign the Tiburon Declaration saying "No!" to forced drugging and vaccination

The dangerous failed seasonal flu vaccine shot is being pushed for kids despite the fact that it does not work and even the "mercury free" shots (4% of the total supply) have dangerous levels of mercury. The other 96% have more mercury! Click here to tell State and Federal legislators to protect our children from mandatory flu shots.

Join the No-Forced-Vaccination Forum

Mother's Act - An Act Against Mothers and Babies
This is an important alert from Natural Solutions Foundation! Pregnant mothers and their unborn babies are at risk if Congress passes the seriously misguided "Mother's Act", S. 1375, which calls for mandatory screeding of all pregnant and new mothers and subsequent "treatment" of Postpartum Blues, Depression and Psychosis with drugs.

Senator Menendez (D - NJ) admits on his web site, "This bill helps mothers by providing important education and screening on postpartum depression that can lead to early identification and treatment." We know that Federal "recomendations" soon turn into State mandates.

Normal conditions of pregnancy and birth are presented as medical conditions which require drug therapy when there is little or no evidence of any such requirement or success in treatment with these drugs. However, there is a great deal of evidence showing that these anti-depressant and anti-psychotic drugs carry serious risks of suicidal and homicidal thougths and actions (not a good idea in a sleep deprived and possibly worried pregnant or new mother). They also pose a serious risk to the fetus or nursing baby.

Are you ready to take action, Mouse Warriors? Please click here to send your message to Congress and learn more about this bill. Oh yes, as of this date, there are 11 Senate co-sponsors, including both Democratic Presidential hopefuls. We want them to know they cannot blithely ignore your concerns.

Soft Fascism and Fake Health Freedom
What happens when our side, the Natural Medicine side, turns against itself and begins disenfranchsing competing elements? Soft fascism.

Take Ohio, for example: "Ohio law is not favorable to freedom of choice in health care. This state, since 1983, has had a very restrictive dietitian's law that prevents non-registered individuals from speaking freely to other individuals about nutrition. While this old law is contrary to Constitution principals, such as that announced in Thompson v Western States - 535 U.S. 357, 2002 it has set the tone for CAM health care enactments in Ohio."

The problem, of course, is not limited to Ohio. All of this, of course, serves the illness Industry very well. Click here to read more from our Counsel, Ralph Fucetola JD.

Panama Project Update
Continued progress on our natural solutions demonstration project in the Santa Clara area of Panama, with about 100 people participating in the forum. We're reviewing survey estimates and expect to have a full topological survey of the land, showing the extent of the existing organic coffee plantation and identifying areas for homesites, organic+ farm and school and the Advanced Wellness Spa. Our Panamanian attorney is reviewing legal title as our "due diligence" continues. Time is short! We are concerned about "the dollar" and about the wheat supply... and more. If you are interested in this effort and may want to participate, please email Ralph at with "Panama" in the subject line and he will invite you to join the forum where you can see photos of the site, the draft community charter, participation agreement and the underlying Escritura establishing our Panama foundation, as well as our skills database and lively community discussions.

Featured Health Freedom Video: Nuclear Waste Out of Control on Purpose

Through our collaboration with the Ecological Options Network, A thought provoking documentary by the outstanding Ecologocial Options Network, we are pleased to bring you documentaries on health freedom which bring new perspectives, and offer the solutions of deep democracy for the health freedom issues facing us and our planet.

Click here to watch this exceptional interview.

Yours in health and freedom, Dr. Rima

Rima E. Laibow, MD
Medical Director
Natural Solutions Foundation

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* SIGN CITIZEN'S PETITION Ask the U.S. government to change its policy on Codex Alimentarius

* CONTRIBUTE! Make a contribution and help raise funds for the health freedom fight

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Send NSF to Next Codex Meeting

Watch No Spray Video

Help Fund Health Freedom Video Now

Join No Forced Vaccine Forum

Tiburon Declaration: Help End Compulsory Vaccination

Tell Legislators to Protect From Compulsory Vaccination

Compulsory Annual Flu Shots for All Kids: First NJ, then the Whole US: Say "NO"

Keep Schools from Mandating Drugs: Support Child Medication Safety Act

Support Truthful Health Claims

Donate Now: Freedom Isn't Free!

Protect Mothers and Babies From Dangerous Drugs

Don't Have the Updated "Nutricide: the DVD" Yet? Order it Now

How About the Best Example of the "Codex Two Step Process"? Order the Codex eBook

Sign FDA Citizens Petition

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