Monday, April 21, 2008

Natural Solutions Foundation - eAlert! April 21, 2008


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Below is a short version of the text of Dr. Laibow's regular eAlert eblast for April 21, 2008, while she and Gen. Stubblebine are on the road to meet Codex delegates and ar!

That's right.

$30,000 for up to date communications strategies and possibilities, reaching every targeted Senator and Representative and every agency when we want to reach them and just the way we want to.

That's going to cost money. Are you up for it? Click this link to make a tax deductible donation and become a Health Freedom Hero!

Just wait until you hear what we are doing to bring your freedoms to the forefront in the NEXT email blast. There are BIG doings afoot. Please open, read and share with your list and then STAY TUNED!"

And please, please, get everyone you know to join our eAlert system

Ralph Fucetola JD, Trustee

Link to full eAlert

Short version:

Citizens' Petition Delivered!
"Stop Vaccine Lies" Natural Solutions
Foundation Tells FTC
Vaccine Lies:

* Vaccines are safe
* Vaccines are effective
* Vaccines prevent epidemic diseases
* Vaccines are protective
* Vaccines eliminated health scourges
* Vaccines do not cause autism and other serious diseases

Vaccine Realities:

* Vaccines are profitable only when huge numbers of people are vaccinated
* Vaccines contain a stew of mercury and other dangerous components, weakening and damaging the immune , nuerological and endocrine systems
* Vaccines carry huge risks for everyone who has been vaccinated
* Vaccines' positive impact on human health is small or absent
* Vaccines do not prevent, may actually encourage,epidemics

...And more about the FTC Petition and how you can help NOW... and more on GMOs, Codex...
Link to remainder of eAlert

Yours in health and freedom,

Dr. Rima
Rima E. Laibow, MD
Natural Solutions Foundation Trustee

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